Eat & Be Joyful

Diane Stewart: Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Winter Squash and Millet
Prep time: 
5 minutes
Prep notes: 
Cooking time: 
45 minutes
10 people

1 small onion, chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil, divided
1 small acorn squash, peeled and cubed
3 cups millet
3-inch piece kombu (soaked)
7 1/2 cups water

  1. In a sauce pan sauté onion in oil until it is golden brown.
  2. Add squash and sauté for 3 minutes.
  3. Add millet and kombu and mix well.
  4. Add water, bring to boil. Reduce heat and cover. Cook for 30 minutes or until water evaporates.
  5. Remove from heat, let stand for a few minutes. Fluff with fork, add olive oil and serve.